Open URL abuse blacklist feed
Report a Phishing URL
- All the reported URLs will be queued for manual confirmation (it's usually less than 5 minutes).
- It's better to specify both the target of the phishing (for example, PayPal or Amazon) as well as your name (or nickname). We will show your name as the sender of the URL.
- Please make sure the URL is alive at the time of report
- We also have an API endpoint for automatic report submission. Please contact us to get the API key
Report a Malware URL
- All the reported URLs will be queued for manual confirmation (it's usually less than 5 minutes).
- This is a malware download URL (e.g., the malware payload, binary file). Please do not submit phishing kits or any kind of payload that is not related to malware. Those cases can not be verified correctly and may generate false-positive in the feed.
- Please make sure the URL is alive at the time of report
- We also have an API endpoint for automatic report submission. Please contact us to get the API key
Report a Hacked URL
- All the reported URLs will be queued for manual confirmation (it's usually less than 5 minutes).
- This must be the URL that has the signature of the hacker or any sign showing that the page has been hacked.
- Please make sure the URL is alive at the time of report
- We also have an API endpoint for automatic report submission. Please contact us to get the API key